
Formula Anyone?

Well, I am glad I decided to just go with my overprotective foster mother feeling (see yesterday's post). I took the kittens in today because the mother was acting strangely toward Kitten C (who has been nickednamed Domino because of the spot on his neck). I did not have anything real concreate to tell the shelter, just a bunch of vauge concerns that made me think he might not be getting the milk and care he needed from Mom.

The foster coordinator at the shelter agreed. So I am going to be supplementing his feeding from his Mom with some formula. I also got an antibotic for him and the Mom since their colds are getting worse. Oddly enough, Kitten B is doing just fine. But I will keep an eye on him too.

So, in the end I am glad that I listened to my instincts and got them checked out. There is no need for serious concern right now, but if I had left it for too long, there could have been.

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